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FAst Track Your Nursing Career

Earn your BSN degree 100% online in as few as four semesters! Enroll in a CCNE accredited path ranked one of the best RN to BSN programs in Georgia. 


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注册护士(RN至BSN)的护理学学士课程适用于已经获得注册护士执照的个人。. 课程以100%在线异步形式提供,仅在秋季学期入学. 

令人兴奋的消息:从2021年秋季开始,注册护士转BSN项目将与格鲁吉亚的其他注册护士转BSN项目签署合作协议. We will have the same great program; however, five of the courses will be 8-week terms, 100% online, low tuition of $199 per credit hour, and open educational resources (no textbooks). Please reach out to our nursing advisors if you have any questions about the updated plan of study,其中包括五个电子专业注册会计师到BSN的合作课程和在线博彩注册会计师到BSN的课程. Thank you for selecting University of West Georgia's RN to BSN program!! 

This program comprises a diverse curriculum that focuses on the humanities and technology, emphasizing both the art and the science of nursing. 该计划的四个学期结构也使学生有机会完成任何先决条件的核心课程,仍然作为兼职或全职注册护士进行实践.


RN to Bachelor of Science Degree Program (RN to BSN)

申请进入注册护士到BSN计划的申请人应该自我指导,并致力于与来自不同背景的个人一起从事护理实践. Nursing practice is holistic and recognizes the relationship of the mind, body and spirit. As critical thinkers, students will be expected to examine personal value systems and the value systems of others. 寻求进入这个项目的学生应该考虑他们的个人目标和价值观,根据这些在项目的哲学表达. For detailed instructions on Application and Admission click here. 注意:如果你能打印这份文件来帮助你跟踪你的申请和录取过程,这将是有益的.

从注册护士到BSN项目的教师将注册护士学生视为同事,并尽一切努力构建学习经验,以满足成人学习者的需求. Recognizing the associate degree or diploma in nursing as a foundation for further studies, clinical experiences are identified to complement previous experiences of the enrolled RN’s. 申请入学的申请人应该意识到,在完成注册护士转注册护士护理课程和核心课程的同时,试图全职工作可能会遇到的困难.

The RN to BSN program is fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington DC, 20001, Phone: (202) 887-8476, Fax: 202-887-8476.

在线博彩监督州和联邦一级管理在线教育的法规. As of March 2016, 在线博彩 was approved to participate in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), 作为佐治亚州成员的一部分,截至2017年5月,佐治亚州加入了护士执照契约(eNLC)。. As a result, 在线博彩 may enroll residents of many, but not all, states outside of Georgia.

Prospective students who reside outside the State of Georgia should contact or 在线博彩 Online at (678) 839-6248 , for more information and status updates on their state of residency, as some limitations may be lifted soon.

居住在乔治亚州以外,正在考虑专业课程(护理)的准学生, education, social work, counseling, allied health professions, 兽医)应在开始学习课程之前联系其居住国的相应委员会. 在线博彩无法确认课程或项目是否符合学生所在州的专业执照要求.

If you plan to transfer to 在线博彩, please click this link to read about admission requirements to the university. The School of Nursing requires a GPA 2.5 for admission to the RN to BSN program. There is also a link provided on the Registrars Office website that allows you to obtain Undergraduate Transfer Course Equivalents. Once you have applied to the University of West Georgia, and have been accepted, 注册办公室可能需要长达四周的时间来完成你的个人转学评估. If you have questions, please contact Undergraduate Admissions or the Registrar's Office. Please also keep in mind that every nursing program is different, and nursing programs at other institutions may require different prerequisite course work.


  1. How do I apply for the RN to BSN online program? 在线博彩 undergraduate application and RN to BSN program application
  2. What is the application deadline for the online program? Fall admission only: May 1: first round; however, a second round of applications for July 1st may be considered.
  3. What is the GPA requirement for admission? 2.5 GPA
  4. What is the minimum requirement for admission? Minimum requirements doc
  5. How do I find out what previous courses will transfer? Undergraduate Transfer Course Equivalents website. 一旦你访问了这个链接,按照一步一步的说明来浏览这个网站:
    • use the drop down menu that asks “which state are you transferring”?
    • 在下拉菜单中选择状态,然后单击右侧显示“获取状态”的选项卡。.
    • use the drop down menu to find your school in the selected state.
    • 在下拉菜单中选择学校,然后点击右侧写着“Get school”的标签.
    • the screen will prompt you to select a full report or a subject report. CHOOSE the full report 从下拉菜单中单击“我明白”选项卡,以确认免责声明信息.
    • 然后,页面将显示所选学校的所有班级/课程编号列表(页面左侧)以及课程转到在线博彩的班级/课程编号(页面右侧)。. Also, please see the RN to BSN core curriculum plan of study areas.
  6. Can I apply to the program before I sit for the NCLEX? Yes, learners can apply to the program before sitting for the NCLEX-RN; however, 他们必须提供参加考试的授权证明,并在课程开始前通过考试.
  7. Do I need a Georgia State RN license to apply? 要被录取到该计划,您必须持有有效的GA RN许可证,或者持有属于该计划一部分的州的有效许可证 Compact Licensure Agreement.
  8. Can I meet with an advisor before I apply to 在线博彩 or to the RN to BSN program? 希望与护理学术顾问会面的学习者必须被在线博彩录取并在线完成在线博彩(与RN到BSN计划在线方向分开),以便获得建议。. However, 如果你希望有人审核你的非正式成绩单并且你已经23岁或以上, please contact: Veterans and Military Programs Office.
  9. How long is the online RN to BSN program? four consecutive semesters for 30 credit hours
  10. What is the cost? low e-tuition cost per credit hour, scholarships available, and be sure to check your healthcare agency’s tuition assistance program
  11. Is there an orientation to the online RN to BSN program? Yes, 在8月份秋季学期开始之前,将在7月份提供在线自定进度的注册护士到BSN课程方向. 然而,学习者需要注册秋季课程,以便添加到迎新课程中. 请注意,在线课程方向与在线大学方向不同,在线大学方向必须在进入RN到BSN课程之前完成.
  12. Do I have to complete a clinical in the online RN to BSN program? 是的,最后一个学期需要90学时(Capstone领导与管理临床课程). 其中30个临床小时将用于基于证据的质量改进项目.
  13. How rigorous is the online RN to BSN program? L学生可以期待在线课程和在校课程一样严格和具有挑战性. The THSSON exemplifies a caring science curriculum, where faculty are committed to academic excellence in a caring student-centered environment.
  14. Are there scholarships available for RN to BSN learners? Nursing scholarship link.
  15. What are the benefits of a BSN degree?
    • Enhances communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills
    • Proven to decrease patient/client mortality/morbidity rates
    • Increase in salary
    • Prepares the nurse for leadership positions
    • Prepares the nurse for graduate degree programs
    • Prepares the healthcare agency for Magnet status

BSN Specific Links

For additional information contact the Undergraduate Associate Dean, Dr. Connie Barbour.
For admission information contact Academic Advisor Juli Larson.

Student Success

Emilee Barron

Student Success

“我记得老师不断提醒我在任何情况下都要进行批判性思考,尤其是在紧急情况下,” she said. “在纽约工作,我必须不断检查自己,以保持批判性思维的心态. I wanted my emotions to enter, but I had to remain strong for the patients and for my team.”

- Emilee Barron, RN to BSN Degree, 2017

Contact Us


Tammy McClenny, EdD, MSN, RN - RN to BSN Program Director and Assistant Professor


- Associate Dean and Assistant Professor
Tammy McClenny, EdD, MSN, RN - RN to BSN Program Director and Assistant Professor