在线博彩在线博彩从比较和哲学的角度研究宗教. Rather than advocating for any particular religion, or for or against religion more generally, 相反,在线博彩试图更好地描述和解释宗教信仰的各种例子, 文本, 实践, 和传统, 并理解它们在塑造上述人类生活领域中所扮演的角色.

For more information, please see the 学术目录.

PHIL 2010: Introduction to 哲学
PHIL 2020:批判性思维或PHIL 2030:伦理导论
PHIL 2130: Introduction to World Religions

PHIL 3205: Theories of Religion
PHIL 3220: Christian Thought
PHIL 4220: Hermeneutics
PHIL 4230: 哲学 of Religion
ANTH 4170: Myth, Magic and Religion
HIST 4478: American Religion to 1800
HIST 4479: American Religion Since 1800
PSYC 4130: Eastern and Transpersonal Psychologies
SOCI 3543: The Sociology of Religion

Career Opportunities

Link to Additional Career 信息: 外部资源




Most classes are face to face


在线博彩是由美国南方大学协会认证的 Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Credit and 转移

Total semester hours required: 18

This program may be earned entirely face-to-face. 然而, depending on the courses chosen, 学生可以选择部分或全部在线学习课程.


在线博彩经常被评为同类大学中最实惠的认可大学之一, regardless of the method of delivery chosen.


  • Total tuition costs and fees may vary, 取决于学生选择参加的课程的教学方法.
  • The more courses a student takes in a single term, the more they will typically save in fees and total cost.
  • 面对面或部分在线课程收取一般学费和所有强制性校园费用, 根据学生的居住情况(非居民收费更高).
  • 完全或完全在线课程的学费和费用因课程而异. 参加在线课程的学生不需要支付非居民学费.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • 提醒一句:如果一个学生在一个学期内同时学习了面对面和在线课程, 他/她将支付所有强制性校园费用和较高的学费费率.
  • For cost information, as well as payment deadlines, see the Student Accounts and Billing Services website

学生有各种各样的经济援助选择, including scholarships and work study programs. 参观 Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.


PHIL 2010: Introduction to 哲学
PHIL 2020:批判性思维或PHIL 2030:伦理导论
PHIL 2130: Introduction to World Religions

PHIL 3205: Theories of Religion
PHIL 3220: Christian Thought
PHIL 4220: Hermeneutics
PHIL 4230: 哲学 of Religion
ANTH 4170: Myth, Magic and Religion
HIST 4478: American Religion to 1800
HIST 4479: American Religion Since 1800
PSYC 4130: Eastern and Transpersonal Psychologies
SOCI 3543: The Sociology of Religion



View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

A study of the history of American religious beliefs, 实践, and influences on American 社会, from its colonial settlement to 1800.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

对美国宗教信仰和习俗历史的研究, and religion's influence on American 社会, from 1800 to the present.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

A historically framed introduction to philosophy,突出了定义了西方哲学探究的重大发展. Required for the major in 哲学.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

逻辑谬误和有效推理模式的调查,主要是口头和书面话语. Required for the major in 哲学.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

印度教:对几种世界宗教的信仰和习俗的比较研究,如印度教, 佛教, 犹太教, 基督教, 和伊斯兰教. 本课程不仅探讨了这些信仰的历史及其早期教义和社区发展, but their place in today's world.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

本课程考察了西方宗教学术研究中一些最重要的历史发展. Topics covered include: how to define and conceptualize religion itself; the role the concept of religion has played in colonialism and indigenous responses; the function of religion in relation to human psychology, 身份, 社会, and politics; the insider/outsider problem; the distinction between religious studies and theology; and the role and importance of various aspects of religion including 文本, 实践, 社区, and institutional authority.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

本课程考察基督教思想的发展,从新约到今天(e.g. feminist and liberation theologies). A sample of thinkers to be considered includes Augustine, 阿奎那, 路德, 卡尔文, 等到, 巴斯, 和Bultmann. Required for religion-track majors.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

解释学是研究文本解释过程的哲学学科. How do we know how to interpret what we read? Is the meaning of a text what the author intended? How would we know what an author intended? Should we understand a text within a historical context? 本课程通过弗里德里希·施莱马赫等有影响力的哲学家的初步测试来阐述解释学传统的发展, 海德格尔, Hans-Georg Gadamer, 和保罗·里科尔.

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神学对宗教问题如上帝是否存在的哲学论证的研究, the problem of evil, the relationship between faith and reason, and the concept of human destiny. Required for Religion Track majors.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

介绍印度教的精神体验及其理解, 佛教, and Transpersonal psychologies.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

本课程将向学生介绍社会学家用来分析宗教与社会关系的概念和方法. It will explore how to think about religious beliefs, 实践, 符号, 社区, 身份作为社会现象以及宗教如何与社会生活的其他方面相交叉, 比如种族, class, 性别, 社会化, 移民, 冲突, 社会变革.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

Guidelines for Admittance


Admission Process Checklist

  1. 审查 Admission Requirements 针对特定人群的不同节目和指南(非传统), 转移, 瞬态, 家学校, joint enrollment students, 等).
  2. 审查 important deadlines:
    • Fall semester: June 1 (undergrads)
    • Spring semester: November 15 (undergrads)
    • Summer semester: May 15 (undergrads)
      See program specific calendars here
  3. Complete online application
    本科 招生 Guide

    本科 Application

    本科 国际 Application

  4. Submit $40 non-refundable application fee
  5. Submit official documents

    要求所有参加的学院或大学将所有正式成绩单和考试成绩直接发送到在线博彩. 如果成绩单邮寄给你,它不能被视为正式的,如果它已经打开. Save time by requesting transcripts be sent electronically.

    本科 & 研究生申请者应将所有正式成绩单寄至:
    Office of 本科 招生, Murphy Building
    University of West Georgia
    卡罗敦, GA 30118-4160
  6. Submit a Certificate of Immunization, if required. If you will not ever be traveling to a 在线博彩 campus or site, you may apply for an Immunization Exemption. 联系 免疫职员 按照你的要求.
  7. Check the status of your application


Specific dates for admissions (本科s Only), go to: 在线博彩 Admission Deadlines

  • 描述世界主要宗教的独特信仰和实践.
  • 描述, and evaluate responses to, 与宗教信仰和经验有关的哲学问题.
  • 找出并描述宗教文学的两个中心主题.
  • 比较和对比神学和哲学作为不同的研究方法.