Exceptions to Applying

Important things to note


如果您需要将提交的申请更新为新学期,请使用 this update form.

International Student Assistance

If you are an International Student,并对申请过程有疑问,您可以联系 Office of International Admissions at global@sh-fyz.com or 1 (678) 839-1391 before beginning the application process.


并非所有州都提供在线学位和证书课程. 如果你是一个州外的学生,请联系远程教育,在 online@sh-fyz.com,以确认该程序在您所在的州可用.


Steps For Graduate Program Application

Fill Out the Online Application

Complete this online application for admission. Once you submit your application, 您将收到一封电子邮件,确认您的申请已提交.

在您提交在线申请后,您将被指示支付39美元.通过信用卡或借记卡向在线博彩支付99美元不可退还的申请费. 如果您需要帮助,请联系在线博彩研究生招生办公室.

Email: graduate@sh-fyz.com

Phone Number: (678) 839-1394

Note: If you are a McNair Scholar, 请在申请结束时勾选豁免选项,以豁免申请费,然后发送电子邮件至在线博彩的办公室 graduate@sh-fyz.com with the completed McNair Program Participation Form, signed by your school's McNair Official. 

Please also inform us at graduate@sh-fyz.com 如果您正在使用乔治亚州62岁及以上居民的申请豁免. 


Official Transcripts and All Required Documents

如有可能,首选官方电子成绩单, 并可由发行机构直接寄至 graduate@sh-fyz.com or by choosing 'University of West Georgia-Graduate Admissions' in the recipient list. 请确保在大学名称旁边写着“研究生招生”. 



If an electronic transcript is not available, 联系你就读的院校,并要求他们邮寄一份 official copy 将你的成绩单直接寄给在线博彩研究生招生办公室. 如果邮寄硬拷贝,请将成绩单和所有补充材料发送到以下地址:

在线博彩 Graduate Admissions
Mandeville Hall
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118

Phone: (678) 839-1394

如果成绩单是寄给你而不是研究生招生处, do not open it. 将成绩单用密封的原始信封直接邮寄到研究生招生办公室.

Graduate Entrance Exam 

研究生课程对入学考试的要求各不相同. Not every program will require a Graduate Entrance Exam. 如果您对您的课程要求有疑问,请 go to your program's page, 然后查看“招生”选项卡,了解您的个人学习计划的要求.

如果你的项目需要入学考试,你的下一步是安排研究生入学考试. Take the exam 6 weeks prior to the application deadline to ensure adequate time for processing. 考试成绩将直接报告给在线博彩研究生招生办公室.

注意:使用在线博彩机构代码#5900为GRE, GMAT和托福.

A photocopy of your personal exam results may be submitted to the 在线博彩 Graduate Admissions Office to verify that the exam was taken; however, 官方测试结果必须从测试机构收到(如.g., Educational Testing Service, Psychological Corporation, 或研究生管理招生委员会),然后你的申请才会被视为完成.

If your program requires the GACE道德教育工作者(测试#360)或GACE道德教育领导(测试#380), please 将您通过所需评估的证书发送到graduate@westga.或者你可以从你的MyPSC帐户发送一个屏幕截图,显示你已经完成/通过的所有评估,并在同一屏幕截图中包括你的名字和ID#.

Program Specific Requirements

每个研究生课程都有特定的要求,你必须满足这些要求才能注册. 请查看您的项目页面上的“招生”选项卡,以找到您的个人学习项目的要求. Go to this page in order to find your program's page.

您可以通过登录将某些文件上传到您的文件中 Begin West. 否则,请将所有特定项目的文件发送到研究生招生办公室,以便在以下地点进行处理: graduate@sh-fyz.com


Verification of Lawful Presence

想要获得州内学费资格的学生必须验证他们在乔治亚州的合法存在. Review 在线博彩 Admission's page about Verification of Lawful Presence for instructions on verifying lawful presence. 它应该提示你在申请过程中提交这个. 

Because online students pay eTuition rates, which are neither in-state nor out-of-state, they are not required to verify lawful presence. This means that 对于完全在线的课程,每个州的学费都是一样的 -完全在线课程没有州内或州外学费. 

Proof of Immunization


Send your Certificate of Immunization (PDF, 127K)) to immunize@sh-fyz.com, or mail it to:

Office of Student Health Services
University of West Georgia
Carrollton, GA 30118-4700

This requirement is a Georgia Board of Regents policy; however, there is one exception. 如果您从未前往在线博彩校园或网站,您可以申请免疫豁免. 请致电与免疫接种职员联系 Health Services at  (678) 839-6452.


Check the Status of Your Application

您可以监控您的申请进度和跟踪您的补充项目提交通过 Begin West by going to your 'Status' page. 这也是你可以上传一些必要的补充项目的地方.